In Case You Missed It: Bend Bulletin Endorses Owyhee Canyonlands National Monument

Ontario, OR — In an editorial published Tuesday, June 3, 2024, The Bend Bulletin declared that the “Owyhee Canyonlands deserves protection,” and that a national monument designation is likely the only path forward at this time.

“The land is rugged and remote but growing in popularity,” opined The Bulletin. “If it is not protected, the sweet country will sour.”

The Bulletin stressed its skepticism of Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley’s insistence on pursuing Congressional legislation: “It doesn’t seem that with the current make-up of Congress that the bill backed by Wyden and Merkley would even get a hearing in the House.”

The Owyhee is awe-inspiring in its vastness and remoteness. As described by The Bulletin, “it is where you can look up and see a dazzling, star-filled night sky,” and it is “where (Paiute Elder) Wilson Wewa’s grandson marveled that it was so quiet he could hear his own heartbeat.” 

The editorial concludes that it would be “a shame” to allow this iconic land to remain unprotected. 

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Editorial: How many more years before the Owyhee Canyonlands get deserved protections?


New poll shows strong support for Owyhee Canyonlands National Monument